Saturday, October 1, 2011

What we do

Jesus declares in Matthew 22.37 which must be our first value: love God with our whole being.
Jesus declares in Matthew 22.39 which should be our second value: Loving people.
In John 14.15 Jesus says that this love is demonstrated through obedience to His commandments.
We find Jesus giving a priority emphasis to two orders that match the love of neighbor.
In Mark 16:15 Jesus commands us to preach the gospel to every creature.
In Matthew 28:18-20 we sent to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything commanded by Him and be baptized in his name.
According to the word of Jesus in Acts 1:8 Ministry will fit into our global mission, ranging from the very beginning "Jerusalem (our neighborhood), Samaria and Judea (close suburbs) and to the ends of the earth."
The word of God recorded in Acts 5.42, "Every day in the temple and houses are not left to preach and teach Jesus Christ", by the fact that the first church regularly dynamic development is achieved simply amazing results. (Acts 16.5)
For this dynamic possible the Apostle Peter in his first letter (1 Peter 4.10) calls that "each minister (serve) with the gifts God gave him" and that ministers "others" (people) giving in this way correctly what God has placed in their lives that love to experience people who invites us to practice.
To "minister to each other" should create the appropriate spaces, the dynamics of "one another" expressed by Paul in his letters shows that the life of the church needs Christians to be united together regularly as a body and groups where possible the "one another".
The figure that emerges from the ministry of Jesus, the early church and Paul is that this dynamic of "each other" might be developed through the homes where small groups of Christians gathered to live the values ​​of their faith.
Find Paul encouraging practice in these groups:
Taking it to each other. Hebrews 10.24
The spur each other. Hebrews 10.24
The encourage each other. The 1st Thessalonians 5.11
The build up one another. The 1st Thessalonians 5.11
Encouraging each other. The 1st Thessalonians 4.18
The teach one another. Colossians 3:16
The exhort one another. Colossians 3:16
The support one another. Colossians 3.13
Forgiveness of one another. Colossians 3.13
This "mutual aid" developed by "everyone" through its 'own' is what according to the word of God (Ephesians 4.16) will bring the growth of the body (the church).
Starting at what God expects from us, (Matthew 22.37-39)
through the mandates entrusted to us to do (Matthew 28:18-20 - Mark 16.15)
framing this practice at the global level indicated that Jesus (Acts 1.8)
and creating the space required (free) for every Christian to engage in practical live in love toward God and people (Ephesians 4.16)
understand clearly that God has placed in the hands of each church the ability to perform the firmament of his kingdom.
This happens exactly when your church understands this reality and empowered by the Holy Spirit ("will power") comes to his task.
These are our values ​​and are solidly based on the Word of God.
We just have to start working.

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